Welcome to my journey. I am an average mother of 3 kids, searching for common sense, natural options to replace the chemical nastys that live in my laundry, kitchen and bathroom...one at a time so my kids don't freak out and my budget survives!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Microfibre Cloths Rule!

So from what I understand microfiber is actually synthetic fibers...it is like flys legs...lots of tiny little sticks sticking out. Unlike ordinary cleaning products, that only move or push dirt and dust from one point to another, microfiber cleaning products lift the dirt from the surface and store the particles in the cloth until it is washed. When it is placed in a warm to hot wash, the fiber opens up and releases the dirt into the water. After a few years these little sticks snap off or get damaged and don’t work as well...this is why you should be careful when laundering your microfiber. Also after a few years you need to replace them as the little sticks snap off and all you are basically pushing around is plastic...the microfibers no longer catch as much as their surface is damaged.  

AND not all microfibers have been created equal… I now have an ENYO, A NORWEX, A NATURE DIRECT, a SABCO and even some of the cheap no name brand ones...and I have to say there is a difference.

My collection of microfiber and cleaning products

I do love having a huge range of them… I now have a glass cleaner and a bathtub cleaner in both laundrys and in my kitchen I have a few that i can just grab and use then throw into the wash again. I have a few ENYO mitts...and yes they are lovely colored and work really well...I really don't LOVE the mitt thing...it gets wet then sloppy on my hand and in my opinion, when comparing them all...they work no better than my NATURE DIRECT Tough Guy...which is nearly 1/3 of the price.

Nature Direct have a wonderful, reasonably priced quality microfiber range that are well worth the purchase...it is amazing what you can clean with a microfiber and a bottle of SPRAY & Wipe (a non-toxic one of course)...it leaves a clean, streak free surface with no chemical residue or smell...just as easily as a bottle of toxic chemical spray & wipe and a sponge.

Great quality Norwex microfibre cloths 
(especially the antibacterial one)

One of the most amazing microfiber product finds I have found is my NORWEX antibacterial for my face… apparently this is the only microfiber on the market that has silver built into it that kills the bacteria in its tracks...you have to be gentle and not overscrub... I have Rosacea ...and have done the 6 months of antibiotics and cream… only to have it return after a few weeks of stopping... so after using this microfiber I then use the NORWEX crystal deoderant (yes on my nose/face)… and I would say my rosacea on a good day is now 2/10 (as apposed to 8/10)...try it...I am amazed!!!

The ENYO Stick

Another one of my wonderful microfiber finds is the ENYO 'stick' that cleans under my cupboards, dishwashers...down the side of the fridge and the walls...I have managed to score a secondhand ENYO one of these in really good nick .... and I love this one...but again I got it secondhand and never had to pay full price! Apparently SABCO do one of these as well...but they don’t last the distance like ENYO

Cleaning out the drink bottles

One job I cannot do without a microfiber now is washing inside the grimy water bottles ...I have lost soo many in the dishwasher...warped by the heat...or used hot boiling water and vinegar and a bottle brush...HARD WORK for nothing... one quick wipe with the microfiber and all the grime is gone!!! Microfiber are also great for cleaning fruit and vegies.

I find the rules of microfiber a little weird to come to terms with...although they are wonderful .... you cannot use them everywhere...like in the kitchen sink...not with food....unless you wash them straight away… or ever in the toilet or rubbish bins...but for grimy surfaces (like bathtubs and bathroom sinks)...kitchen benches and tables, marked walls they are great… even with a bit of water...hang them up to dry and they will last for ages. I haven’t had the official microfiber lesson...but I think this covers it.

My favorite microfiber...the Nature Direct
Tough Guy

So in summary I reckon you should pay for a good one (like a Nature Direct) to use as your first thing to grab in a cleaning emergency...and then buy some cheaper ones to leave in all the wet areas of your home...like SABCO from the supermarket...or even a bag of them from Bunnings. 

A SABCO 3 pack I got from
the $2 shop

Let your kids have access to them (and a good safe, non-toxic cleaning product)..and everyone is a winner!

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